How To Divide Fractions Into Decimals
To convert fractions to decimals you just divide the top by the bottom divide the numerator by the denominator and if the division doesn t come out evenly you can stop after a certain number of decimal places and round off.
How to divide fractions into decimals. It explains how to divide two decimal numbers using long division. For example is just 1 divided by 4 or 0 25. Find a number you can multiply by the bottom of the fraction to make it 10 or 100 or 1000 or any 1 followed by 0s. Simplify the fraction if needed.
Then write down just the top number putting the decimal point in the correct spot one space from the right hand side for every zero in the bottom number. Here we learn that you can use division to convert any fraction into its decimal form. To convert fractions to decimals look at the fraction as a division problem. You can do this in your head by using a calculator or by doing long division.
The decimal forms of rational numbers either end or repeat a pattern. Multiply the top numbers of both fractions together to get the numerator top number of your new fraction. The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and denominator can be rewritten using the division symbol. You can convert all fractions to decimals.
So to convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator by the denominator. This math video tutorial provides a basic introduction into dividing decimals. Then place a 0 with a decimal point above the bracket to indicate that the answer will be less. Turn the second fraction the one you want to divide by upside down this is now a reciprocal.
Multiply both top and bottom by that number. Multiply the first fraction by that reciprocal step 3. To change a common fraction into a decimal using long division start by writing the fraction as a division problem. To divide fractions by fractions start by replacing the division sign with a multiplication sign.
For example if your common fraction is rewrite it by placing the 4 outside the division bracket and the 3 inside the bracket.