How To Multiply Fractions With The Same Denominator
So for each fraction we need an.
How to multiply fractions with the same denominator. Multiplying fractions is essentially taking a fraction of a fraction. As an example multiplying 1 2 times 1 2 is the same as taking a half of a half which you might already know to be a quarter or 1 4. When multiplying fractions simply multiply the numerator top number then multiply the denominator bottom number and reduce to its lowest term if needed. 5 7 1 36.
4 1 3 7. 2 multiply the denominators. For 7 and 1 5 multiply the denominator by the whole number 5 7 and add that answer to the current numerator 1. 1 5 7 35 do the same with the second fraction and add this value to the first.
Just follow the same two easy steps to multiply the fractions whether their denominators are the same or different. A short video showing you how to multiply a set of fractions with the same denominator step by step. Multiply the two numerators to get the numerator of the answer. Multiplication of fractions do not require the same denominator or the bottom number of the fraction like addition and subtraction does.
1 multiply the numerators. However sometimes the denominators are different. A common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6. Now the numerator 2 and the denominator 4 are both even so repeat this process.
Multiply the denominator by the whole number 4 1 and add that answer to the current numerator 3. Then multiply the two denominators to get the denominator of the answer. Each worksheet has a variety of fractions all with a common same denominator. Start out by multiplying the numerator of the first fraction by the denominators of all the other fractions.
At this point neither numerator has a common factor with either denominator so you re ready to multiply. The denominator will always stay the same when making improper fractions.